May 7, 2009

Appreciating the small things.

I am not going to deny it, I am addicted to reading blogs. However, the sorts of blogs that I choose to spend hours upon hours reading are not what you would describe as "cheery" or "uplifting." I read about:

* baby Jonah who was born with a rare skin disorder

* baby Kayleigh who is fighting for her life UPDATE: Unfortunately, Kayleigh lost her fight for life. RIP baby Kayleigh.

* sweet Summer who is 3 years old and has cancer

*Heather, a young mom who is currently undergoing chemo

*Nienie who survived a plane crash with her husband

*C who lost her infant son at birth

*Noah who is currently in the NICU after being shaken by his daycare provider

*Matt who lost his wife the day after she gave birth to their baby girl Madeline

These are the stories I read daily. These people are going through so much and yet they continue to stay strong. The strangest part is these people are all very in touch with their spiritual sides. I on the other hand am an agnostic married to an atheist, but I can't stop reading these blogs. I do admit to skimming over the Bible verses but other than that, I read every word. These stories, these people inspire me. I want to appreciate my life and my family more. I need to make a point of it. I know my husband feels under appreciated and I know it is my job to make him feel appreciated. I am going to try. I know my babies are not getting the daily attention they need and I am going to try to rectify that as well. I am also going to try to stay in touch with my family more whether by mail, email, phone or in person. My own aunt is currently living with Multiple Myeloma and enduring weekly chemo. I need to make it a point to be more of a constant in her life.

I am going to try to enjoy my life more, even if there aren't many days I can fully enjoy. I am going on day 8 in bed with the not so swine I have been pretty down, but at least I know this will end and I will get to enjoy the days to come.

I just need to work on appreciating my family, my life and my health (what little I have). That is my mid year's resolution.

From now on I want to make note of the small things that make me happy. Here is my list for today:

*Having the luxury of staying home when I am sick. Thankfully I have a job that allows it and a husband who understands.

*The grunting noise that Cody has been making for about the past month. It is so soft, so sweet and like music to my ears. Even at 4:00am as he does it on my pillow next to my ear.

*The softness of my boys' hair when they have a fresh haircut. Nothing compares. It is like running your hand across mink.

*Having a husband who works hard, very, very hard and then comes home and works hard here too. All to take care of his family. Even if he hates it, he does it for us. (Thank you, Honey).

*Watching my boys entertain themselves by wrestling with each other and the moaning and groaning that goes along with it.

*The sweetness that is Cody laying across my lap while I try to type this post.

*The sweet way Cody nudges my hand to get me to rub his head and ears.

*Knowing that every time I put on lip gloss, Cooper will come running to lick my finger. And how I can always count on him trying to run off with the lip gloss tucked into his mouth.

*The cute, hurried way Cooper runs to the bedroom when it is night night time.

*The comforting way Cody curls up on my pillow and on dad's pillow to sleep.

*The sweet way both Cody and Cooper turn into snuggle bugs when they get a hair cut.

*The kind way my husband is always willing to make an extra stop for me if I want food from someplace different than everyone else.

*The way my Mom calls to make sure I am taking my probiotics.

*The way my 10 year old sister emails me and keeps me up to date on her life.

*The way my step daughter is open to discussion, rather than getting defensive. Though I am sure this won't last much longer since we are entering the teen years.